Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal <p><strong>Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (GIIRJ) </strong>is a monthly peer reviewed international journal. The international interdisciplinary journal publishes the articles in various disciplines. We invite authors to submit the original research papers for the current issue of our journal. GIIRJ is started with the vision of providing the platform to the researchers in 2013 and providing the services with best quality paper publications in the areas not limited Sciences, Humanities, Economics, Finance, Engineering, History, Educational Advancements, Education and Sports Sciences, Tourism and Physical Sciences. </p> <p><strong>A PEER REVIEWED REFEREED MONTHLY E-JOURNAL</strong></p> <p><strong>(ALL SUBJECT ONLINE MONTHLY JOURNAL)</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2347-6915</li> </ul> <ul> <li><strong>SJIF Impact Factor 2024</strong>: 8.346</li> </ul> <table style="height: 288px;" width="296"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="58"> <p><strong>Year</strong></p> </td> <td width="103"> <p><strong>SJIF Impact Factor</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2023</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>8.057</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2022</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>7.718</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2021</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>7.472</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2020</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>6.914</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="58"> <p>2019</p> </td> <td width="103"> <p>6.519</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Submission Date:</strong> Open</li> <li><strong>Publication Date:</strong> Within 48 Hours </li> </ul> <p><strong>Send your Manuscripts to:</strong></p> <p> </p> Galaxy Journal en-US Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2347-6915 THE MAIN ASPECTS OF MODERN PAINTING IN THE 21ST CENTURY <p>Nowadays, at a time when it is rapidly developing in every field, this development has not bypassed visual arts. Fine art, based on the needs of the times, has undergone a drastic change based on the aesthetic taste of the owners of intellectual potential, that is, the masters of modern art. Realism has gone a little further, and works in the form of abstracts have taken over the world art space. From this point of view, this article covers theoretical aspects for young creative artists and students.<br>This article serves as a basis for creating educational still lifes for young artists and students, as well as creating compositions based on the topic in future thematic composition classes, creating compositions rich in perspective, light and content.</p> Son of Sattarov Farxod Islomovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-05 2025-02-05 13 2 1 4 ANALYSIS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST ORGANIZATIONS <p>This article covers the issues of effective planning of the activities of tourist enterprises. The importance of strategic planning for the successful development of enterprises, marketing approaches and recommendations for the introduction of digital innovations are presented. The dynamics of the tourism market and the processes of adaptation to customer requirements were analyzed, and innovative approaches to improving the quality of tourist services were discussed.</p> Sharofutdinov Iskandar Baxodirovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-06 2025-02-06 13 2 5 7 ADVANCEMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION: ENHANCING EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY IN MODERN FARMING PRACTICES <p>Agricultural mechanization plays a pivotal role in transforming traditional farming practices into efficient and sustainable operations. This research paper explores the evolution of agricultural mechanization, its impact on productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector, and the latest technological advancements driving innovation in farm machinery and equipment. By analyzing the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of agricultural mechanization, this paper aims to shed light on its critical role in meeting the growing demands of global food production while promoting environmental stewardship.</p> Samadov Mukhiddin Akhadovich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 13 2 8 11 FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MILITARY PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE <p>This article retrospectively analyzes the formation and development of the military prosecutor’s office in Uzbekistan in the 20th century. Additionally, the article analyzes its activities, tasks and role in the system of the prosecutor’s office.</p> Khudoyberdiev Bakhadir Karimberdievich Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 13 2 12 17 GLIPTOSTROBUS SIMON METASEQUOYA: HISTORY, CHARACTERISTICS, GROWTH CONDITIONS, AND USE IN LANDSCAPE DESIGN <p>This article is dedicated to the "Gliptostrobus-like Metasequoia" (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), providing information on its historical significance, biological characteristics, and growth conditions. This plant was accidentally discovered in the mountainous regions of China in 1948, and was considered extinct for the past 40 million years. The article focuses on the geographic distribution, natural habitat, growth conditions, features, flowers, and fruits of the metasequoia. Additionally, the article provides information on its reproductive characteristics, reproduction conditions, root system, and ecological environment requirements. The role of metasequoia in plant habitats and its potential use in landscape design, particularly its adaptability to Uzbekistan's climate, is also discussed. Based on this, the article highlights the ecological role of Gliptostrobus-like Metasequoia and its significance in the environment.</p> Ubaydullayev Farkhod Bakhtiyarullaevich Khomidova Nargiza Isaqulovna Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 13 2 18 23 THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES <p>This article explores the impact of globalization on the economic development of developing countries. It examines both the positive and negative consequences of globalization, including its effects on economic growth, foreign trade, investment, and social inequality. Using examples from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the study analyzes specific cases and statistical data to illustrate globalization's influence on various aspects of economic development. Additionally, the article discusses policies aimed at minimizing the risks of globalization while maximizing its benefits for developing countries.</p> Ravshan Rakhimovich Khusainov Copyright (c) 2025 2025-02-07 2025-02-07 13 2 24 30 31 TRENDS IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORT COMPANIES IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY <p>Currently, the transport industry is facing challenges that are unconventional for it in the development of a national operator, and the introduction of digital intelligent platforms is a key component of the development of road transport enterprises. The creation of such a platform is an essential strategic initiative in the context of the rapid growth of this industry. The article discusses the main components and advantages of the platform. These include data integration, analytics and reporting, route and load optimization, forecasting, warehouse process management, cargo tracking, improved planning, and globalization.</p> G. B.Yusupkhodjaeva Copyright (c) 0 2025-03-10 2025-03-10 13 2 31 36 FORMATION OF SPEECH ACTIVITY IN PRESCHOOL CHILDREN <p>The functions of preschool children’s speech are multifaceted. In this case, the child uses speech to communicate with others, to draw attention to himself, his work and experiences, to understand each other, to influence the behavior, thoughts and feelings of his partner, to establish his own activities, to coordinate the actions of himself and his friends who are playing with him.<br>This article focuses on the development of the speech of children of preschool age, their adherence to the norms of literary language, their ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and imagination in a meaningful, grammatically correct, clear and expressive manner in accordance with the direction and purpose of the speech.</p> Alimova Zulfia Karimovna Copyright (c) 0 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 13 2 37 42 TECHNOLOGIES FOR STUDYING THE WORKS OF ART OF UZBEK NATIONAL AND WORLD ARTISTS IN THE STUDY OF COMPOSITION <p>This article will talk about the issues of composition and their thoughts in the works of famous artists of the national and world, from primitive times, to the present time, in the study of composition work in painting.</p> Komoldinov Sirojiddin Jomoldin og‘li Abduvaliyeva Gulhayo Salimjon qizi Copyright (c) 0 2025-03-11 2025-03-11 13 2 43 47 TO DETERMINE AND ESTABLISH COMPLIANCE IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEART FAILURE <p>Despite the progress made in the world in recent years, it has been confirmed that CHF still poses a heavy financial burden on the health care economy of all countries in the world. According to epidemiological data, CHF develops in most cases as a result of arterial hypertension (95%) and ischemic heart disease (69.7%) in the Russian Federation and European countries. In our country, the main cause of this serious complication is often the two diseases mentioned above.<br>Chronic heart failure (CHF) is one of the most pressing medical and social problems in world medicine. Its high prevalence, leading to serious consequences and requiring significant treatment costs, makes this problem extremely important. 1Mortality due to the disease is 4-8 times higher than in the general population, and half of the patients die within 5 years after diagnosis. In functional class IV, life expectancy is reduced by 44% within six months. Due to the increase in life expectancy of the population, positive results achieved in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as well as the prevalence of risk factors for coronary heart disease (CHD) and hypertension (HTN), causing CHF, which are serious complications, it is becoming increasingly common among the world's population. In the decompensated stage of CHF, funds spent on inpatient treatment of patients make up from 2/3 to ¾ of all health care costs.</p> Kadirova A. Z. Kholilova O. S. Copyright (c) 0 2025-03-16 2025-03-16 13 2 1 3